Being a consultant


I work as a consultant. I put things together so your deal is executed. After initial evaluation (free of charge) I build a team of experts to work on your case, depending on your deal. Also, I can virtually seat with you during your deal negotiations. I receive many requests, however, there is a limited amount of deals I can entertain. 

Although I prefer to be on boards of public companies, I am open to startups and nonprofits. Again, there is a limited amount of service I can personally entertain.I rarely work on commission only arrangements, where I can risk wasting my time and money, as I subcontract experts.I can take an occasional project on a best efforts basis, but it will be taken care of if a viable counter-party appears, I do not actively look for it, as is time-consuming and I have to sell your deal, which I only do if I'm paid (again, time is money plus I have to search, identify suitable partners or subcontractors and sell your deal, which, if do not get done, affects also my reputation).I charge 1,000 USD per billable hour plus expenses (experts, travel, lodging), which I phase out when the project start to produce, then I switch to commissions or royalties and/or shares and maybe a board seat. I generally discount from the commission or royalty flow, the retainer I initially charge (I can include all cost, depending on the deal.)I cost money, do not send me projects nor deals unless is a solid one and you are in a position to pay for my services (and my experts). The better prepared you are, the less upfront money I cost. My first hour is free, and I can tell you if I can or will take your deal or virtually seat with you in a negotiation or not, so we do not waste time and money. -Francisco Lopez-

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